Friday, November 14, 2008

Web Analytic Tools

Web analytics is one of the most interesting study methods Boston Marketing Specialists use to improve a company’s Internet life. Web analytics, the study of online behavior, is one of the best ways to determine how to improve website visitors’ perceptions and actions. Boston marketing agencies use web analytics to measure clients’ websites presence on the Internet and to see what visitors are doing on the websites themselves.

There are two types of web analytics: off-site web analytics and on-site web analytics. Off-site web analytics is used to measure a website's opportunities, visibility and buzz. Marketing professionals look at a website’s potential audience, perceptibility and comments on the Internet.

On-site web analytics looks at a visitors’ activity on a website and determines which landing pages persuade visitors to make a purchase. This type of web analytics measures the performance of your website in a profitable context. Marketing firms use the data to improve a web site or a campaign's audience response.

In the past, Boston Marketing Agencies were mostly concerned with on-site web analytics. But with the recent surge in brand marketing and attention to reputation, marketing experts are interested in using data from both on-site and off-site web analytics to improve websites and audiences behaviors.

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